Super Patch

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  • Package includes 28 patches
  • 100% Natural, drug-free, and non-invasive
  • Science of vibrotactile stimulation
  • Manage pain, balance, and mobility issues
More Information


Vibrotacile Technology
The Super Patch is a cutting-edge technological designed to address a wide range of health challenges, such as pain, balance, and mobility issues. Harnessing a special pattern and vibrotactile technology, this innovative solution delivers targeted and personalized therapeutic interventions. The inventor of these patches discovered the different signals that work with the body’s physical, mental, and emotional functions, each different Super Patch has a unique ridged pattern (QR Codes) that helps with a wide array of wellness and performance benefits. The Super Patch offers a holistic approach to improving well-being and quality of life through the power of technology.

Facilitates Healing and Enhancement
Once the Super Patch is in contact with your skin, it triggers a neural response in the brainstem that helps you tackle your daily problems, head-on. The effect is almost immediate, so you focus less on overcoming wellness and quality of life challenges and more on living a happier, healthier life.

Patch Benefits

  • Freedom Pain management is a key factor of an enjoyable lifestyle. Less pain leads to greater mobility and energy. Freedom Patch provides on-the-go relief from minor aches and pains of muscles and joints associated with exercise, chores, and daily activities. The perfect on-the-go, quick solution to reduce aches and pains, for greater mobility and energy.
  • Victory Strength, power, balance, agility, and recovery are the pillars for the highest levels of athletic performance. Get it all with the Victory Patch. Victory Patch is a non-invasive and drug-free technology that may improve general wellness by enhancing the user’s flow of energy, sense of balance, stamina, and strength -making it easier for the body to maintain overall health and performance at the highest level.
  • REM Healthy sleep assists in rejuvenation of the mind and body and is a key factor in a healthy lifestyle. REM Patch is a non-invasive and drug-free technology that may support a balanced sleep cycle -making it easier for the body to maintain overall health. Get a good night’s rest and rejuvenate your mind and body. REM Patches are easy-to-use and promote a better night’s sleep.
  • Focus Focus is the key to playing, learning, and creating. Distractions, and challenges focusing, can take the fun and performance out of what we want to do in school or elsewhere. The Focus Patch is a non-invasive and drug-free technology that may improve general wellness through vibrotactile stimulation allowing users to naturally experience improved focus and clarity. Stay locked in on what you’re doing. Made to improve attention, clarity, and calmness.